European Society of Hypertension Summer School 2025 Serbia (Fully Funded Program)

International students are invited to apply for European Society of Hypertension Summer School 2025 Serbia (ESH). As the next wave of hypertension doctors, the ESH Summer Schools seek to establish a hypertension network among young fellows, both European and non-European.

A study conducted in honor of Professor Alberto Zanchetti by the European Society of Hypertension on blood pressure control in ESH Excellence Centers. Enhancing blood pressure treatment and raising blood pressure control is the European Society of Hypertension’s primary goal. By doing so, cardiovascular risk, premature cardiovascular and renal morbidity and mortality, and health care expenses can be reduced.

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More About European Society of Hypertension Summer School

The European Society of Hypertension (ESH) Summer School is a prestigious program designed for young researchers, clinicians, and healthcare professionals who are interested in the field of hypertension. The aim of the summer school is to provide an intensive educational experience, combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills, and to foster networking among young professionals from different countries.

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Held annually, the ESH Summer School typically features a comprehensive curriculum covering various aspects of hypertension, including its pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment. The program often includes lectures by leading experts in the field, interactive workshops, case discussions, and hands-on training sessions. Participants have the opportunity to learn about the latest research findings, innovative treatment approaches, and best practices in the management of hypertension.

One of the key highlights of the ESH Summer School is its focus on fostering international collaboration and exchange of ideas. Attendees come from diverse backgrounds and countries, creating a dynamic environment for discussion and learning. This diversity enriches the experience, providing participants with a broader perspective on the global challenges and advancements in hypertension management.

The program also places a strong emphasis on the practical application of knowledge. Through case studies and clinical simulations, participants can practice diagnosing and managing hypertension in a controlled setting, enhancing their clinical skills and confidence.

Program Highlights

  • Study Level: Summer School
  • Organization Name: European Society of Hypertension (ESH)
  • Study in: Serbia
  • Opportunity Focus Areas: Basic research and Clinical areas.
  • Program Duration: Six days. The program will take place from 15-20 September 2025.
  • Application Deadline: April 2, 2025.

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Scholarship Benefits

European Society of Hypertension Summer School provides the recipients with below benefits:

  • Expenses covered by the ESH:
    • Accommodation
    • Travel costs of the faculty
    • The attendees’ accommodation
    • Meals
  • Expenses covered by National Societies of Hypertension:
    • attendees’ travel costs

Note: Travel grants will be provided by the ESH for countries facing economic hardship.

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Eligibility for European Society of Hypertension Summer School

To qualify for European Society of Hypertension Summer School, candidate must fulfill all of the following requirements below:

  • Required Language is English.
  • All international students are eligible.
  • Younger candidates strongly devoted to hypertension coming both from basic research and clinical practice.
  • Although there is no specific age limit, candidates below the age of 40 should be preferred.

Note: the ESH Summer School is a once-in-a-lifetime event, which means each participant can attend the course only once in his/her life.

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How to Apply for European Society of Hypertension Summer School?

Please follow the following application instructions to apply for this Summer School:

At least two candidates from each country (bigger countries may send more than two applications) should be nominated by National Societies of Hypertension in Europe and submitted by March 15, 2025.

  1. Complete the  membership application form (Check link Here).
  2. The nomination should include a brief CV of the applicant including their contact details. Each National Society of Hypertension will be informed about the selection of candidates in June.
  3. Contacts of the local organizer:

Prof. Dragan Lovic
Clinic for Internal disease Intermedica
Cardiology Department-Hypertensive Centre
Singidunum University, School of Medicine
Nis, Serbia

Note: All inquiries should be sent to:

Prof. Renta Cífková
Secretary ESH Educational Activities Committee
Department Preventive Cardiology (G6 Building)
Thomayer University Hospital
Vídeňská 800 140 59
Prague 4 Czech Republic
Phone: +420 2 6108 3694
Fax: +420 2 6108 3821

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Apply Now

To know more about European Society of Hypertension Summer School, please visit the official website:

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